Signposting – English Language – TAMS Studies

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If you are preparing for IELTS, TOEFL or want to be a good writer or speaker. You can really use this vocabulary to improve your English.

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This vocabulary talks about signposting. Signposting is helpful in creating a connection between the sentences and gives a soft flow which makes your audiences/readers interested. Signposting means using phrases and words to guide the reader through the content of your essay/dissertation.
There are two main types of signposting: introductions, conclusions and outlining main arguments/
the direction of the argument in paragraphs/opening phrases. connecting words help guide the reader through the argument by linking ideas, sentences and paragraphs.

To add more ideas: again, furthermore, in addition, moreover
 To compare or contrast ideas: alternatively, contrastingly, conversely, whereas
 To prove something: evidently, for this reason, because, inevitably
 To show exceptions: however, nevertheless, yet, in spite of
 To repeat or refer back to something: as has been mentioned/noted…/As previously
 To show that you will include something later: this will be discussed in detail later
 To emphasise something: definitely, obviously, inevitably, undeniably
 To give an example: for instance, in this case, in particular, notably
 To show the order of things: previously, following this, initially, subsequently, finally

In contrast           इसके विपरीत
accordingly         तदनुसार
additionally         इसके अतिरिक्त
as a result         नतीजतन
consequently           इसके फलस्वरूप
for example – e.g.   उदाहरण के लिए
for instance         उदाहरण के लिए
furthermore        और भी
hence        अत:
however        तथापि
in addition        इसके साथ – साथ
in brief        संक्षेप में
in conclusion        निष्कर्ष के तौर पर
in fact       असल में
in other words       दूसरे शब्दों में
in the meantime    इस बीच में
in short       संक्षेप में
meanwhile       इस दौरान
moreover      अतिरिक्त
naturally      प्राकृतिक रूप से
nevertheless      फिर भी
nonetheless      फिर भी
obviously      जाहिर है
on the contrary     इसके विपरीत
so              इसलिए
that is (to say) – i.e. अर्थात्
therefore      इसलिये
thus              इस प्रकार
to summarise      संक्षिप्त करना
to sum up     सारांश में
yet             अभी तक

The aim of this study is to ….
The purpose of this thesis is to….
This essay argues that ….
The main questions addressed in this paper are ….
This essay critically examines….
The above discussion raises some interesting questions.
This paper begins by …. It will then go on to …. Finally, ….
This chapter reviews the literature ….
In conclusion, ….

Examples of linking words and phrases:
first(ly), … / second(ly), … / finally, … /
Indicating addition or similarity:
also, … / besides, … / in addition, … / furthermore, … / as well / similarly, …
Indicating contrast:
however, … / nevertheless, … / on the other hand, … /
Giving a reason:
for this reason, … / because … / because of …/ due to …
Indicating result or consequence:
therefore, … / thus, … / as a result, … / consequently, …
Reformulating an idea:
in other words, … / to put it simply, … / that is …    
for example, … / for instance, … / to exemplify, …

Highlighting or emphasising a
Importantly, …
Indeed, …
In fact, …
More importantly, …
Furthermore, …
Moreover, …
It is also important to highlight …

Changing direction or creating a comparison
However, …
Rather, …
In contrast, …
Conversely, …
On one hand, …
On the other hand, …
In comparison, …
Compared to …
Another point to consider is …

Adding a similar point
Similarly, …
Likewise, …
Again, …
Also, …

Finally, …
Lastly, …
In conclusion, …
To summarise, …
In summary, …
Overall, …
The three main points are …

Being more specific
In particular, …
In relation to …
More specifically, …
With respect to …
In terms of …

Giving an example
For instance, …
For example, …
this can be illustrated by …
…, namely, …
…, such as …

Acknowledging something and moving to a different point
Although …
Even though …
Despite …
Notwithstanding …

Following a line of reasoning
Therefore, …
Subsequently, …
Hence …
Consequently, …
Accordingly, …
As a result, …
As a consequence, …
To this end, …

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