Learn Prepositions

Prepositions are one of the essential parts of English grammar. They are short words that connect two or more words together, showing their relationship with each other in a sentence. Learning prepositions is crucial for writing and speaking English correctly. In this blog, we will discuss prepositions in detail, including a list of all prepositions, examples, exceptions, and some important tips to understand prepositions.

Learn Prepositions List Grammar SSC Class Students Exam Preparation

List of all prepositions Below is a list of prepositions in alphabetical order:

about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, but, by, concerning, considering, despite, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, of, off, on, onto, out, outside, over, past, regarding, round, since, through, throughout, till, to, toward, under, underneath, until, unto, up, upon, with, within, without.

Five Examples of Each with Explanation

  1. About: The cat is lying about the house. The word “about” shows the location of the cat concerning the house. I’m worried about my final exams. Here, “about” shows the subject matter that is causing worry. He is about to leave. In this sentence, “about” indicates an action that is going to happen soon. She is thinking about her future. Here, “about” shows what she is thinking of. He’s been out and about all day. “About” here indicates that the person has been out doing various things.
  2. Across: The river flows across the valley. Here, “across” indicates the direction of the river. We walked across the bridge. In this sentence, “across” shows the path we took. She looked across the room. Here, “across” shows the distance she was looking. The rumor spread across the school. In this sentence, “across” shows the extent of the rumor. He drove across the country in just two days. Here, “across” indicates the distance traveled.
  3. Against: The wall is against the chair. Here, “against” shows the position of the wall concerning the chair. She leaned against the tree. In this sentence, “against” indicates the support of the tree. The car was speeding against traffic. Here, “against” shows the direction of the car. He was charged against his will. In this sentence, “against” shows the resistance of the person. The athlete competed against his rival. Here, “against” shows the opponent of the athlete.
  4. After: She went home after the movie. Here, “after” indicates the time when she went home. I’ll see you after class. In this sentence, “after” shows the time of the meeting. He was fined after the accident. Here, “after” indicates the cause of the fine. The boy chased after the ball. In this sentence, “after” shows the target of the chase. They left after the party was over. Here, “after” indicates the time of the departure.
  5. Before: I usually have breakfast before work. Here, “before” indicates the time of breakfast. We have to finish the project before the deadline. In this sentence, “before” shows the time of the deadline. He left before I arrived. Here, “before” indicates the time of the departure. The students bowed before the teacher. In this sentence, “before” shows respect. She never goes to bed before midnight. Here, “before” indicates the time of bedtime.

List of Exceptions There are some prepositions that are exceptions because they have multiple meanings or are used in different contexts. Some of the exceptions are:

  1. To: “To” is used as a preposition to indicate direction, destination, or position. However, it is also used as part of the infinitive form of a verb. For example, “I am going to the store” vs. “I want to go to the store.”
  2. For: “For” is used to indicate purpose, reason, or duration. However, it can also be used as a conjunction, such as “I am happy for you” vs. “I have been waiting for an hour.”
  3. Of: “Of” is used to indicate possession or belonging. However, it can also be used to show the relationship between two nouns, such as “the book of John” vs. “the pages of the book.”
  4. With: “With” is used to indicate association or accompaniment. However, it can also be used as an adverb to show the manner of an action, such as “I painted the wall with a roller” vs. “I played with my cat.”
  5. At: “At” is used to indicate a specific location or time. However, it can also be used as a part of idiomatic expressions, such as “at first” or “at last.”

Some important tips to understand prepositions

  1. Learn prepositions in context: Prepositions are used to connect words and phrases in a sentence. It is essential to learn them in the context of the sentence to understand their meaning correctly.
  2. Memorize common prepositions: It is a good idea to memorize the most common prepositions to make it easier to use them in your writing or speaking.
  3. Use preposition exercises: Practice using prepositions through exercises and quizzes to reinforce your understanding.
  4. Pay attention to preposition errors: Common preposition errors include using the wrong preposition or leaving them out altogether. Pay attention to these errors to avoid making them in your writing or speaking.
  5. Read and listen to English: Exposure to English through reading and listening will help you become familiar with prepositions and their usage in different contexts.

Conclusion Prepositions are an essential part of English grammar that connects words and phrases in a sentence. Understanding prepositions and their usage can help you improve your writing and speaking skills. By memorizing common prepositions, practising through exercises, and paying attention to preposition errors, you can become more proficient in using prepositions correctly.

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