Indefinite Adjectives

Indefinite Adjectives
An indefinite adjective tells you some
information about a noun without being too
exact in its description. They refer to non-
specific persons or things and never exact.
Some common indefinite adjectives may
include the words few , many, several, all ,
each , most and some . All tells you every
single one, but doesn’t tell you exactly how
many this is. Many means quite a few, but
once again doesn’t tell you exactly how
many this is.
Below you will find a few examples.
I called to tell Jane that I was running late,
and should arrive within a few minutes.
Kate has too many mismatched socks
stuffed in her drawer.
The teacher asked several questions
during the class.
All of my cousins have black hair.
Each one of my friends have different
I collect all sorts of stamps, but Kate has
the most.
The little boy has a lot of toys, but only
plays with some of them.
The indefinite adjectives listed above are
used when the exact amount, or the exact
nouns are not known. We all know a little
information about the nouns, however we
don’t know the exact precise number or
specifics. We know that Kate has many
mismatched socks, but the sentence doesn’t
provide an exact number. The little boy has
a lot of toys, but again, how many? And
how much is just some which he plays
Mostly, indefinite adjectives are formed from
an indefinite pronoun. Some words most
often used are anyone , anything , everyone,
everything, nobody, and somebody. Please
see a list of example sentences below to
help you better understand.
Even though I was shouting, I wasn’t sure
anyone could hear me over the loud
I was so hungry, I let my girlfriend pick
anything on the menu for me to eat for
Everyone sang along during the concert
when the band played the last song.
Everything my doctor told me made
Most of the time, nobody likes a dog that
barks too much during the middle of the
We all love pizza, but nobody wanted to
fight for the last slice.
Remember, an indefinite adjective is very
similar to an indefinite pronoun, except that
it modifies a noun or noun phrase. It will get
easier to tell the difference as you study the
sentences referred to above and practice
writing and reading examples.

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