English Guruji

Used to and would

Used to and would help us talk about things that happened in the past. Would + infinitive without ‘to’ – Habits When I had free time, I would practise guitar. Since we were always in a hurry, we wouldn’t stop for tea on Fridays. Would you often stay for lunch? Used to + infinitive without … Read more

Enjoy English Learn Suffixes

Nouns ending in –ment: enjoyment process of feeling pleasure in something Don’t tell me the ending! That will spoil my enjoyment of the film. replacement someone or something that takes the place or does the job of another Our new TV didn’t work so they sent a replacement. Other nouns ending in –ment: announcement disappointment … Read more

TAMS Studies

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Figures of speeches

Figure of Speech Examples A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning something different than its literal meaning. It can be a metaphor orsimile that is designed to further explain a concept. Or, it can be a different way of pronouncing a word or phrase such as withalliteration to give further meaning or a different sound. … Read more


शब्द ‘Tram’ का मतलब जानें और इसे वाक्य में इस्तेमाल करना सीखें: ‘Tram’ का मतलब है: A vehicle that runs on a track or on rails and that is usually used to carry groups of people for a short distance (कोयले की गाड़ी या छकड़ा) Eg: When will the tram start? (कोयले की गाड़ी कब … Read more

CAN – Modal and Noun

CAN    Can is one of the most commonly used modals, but make sure you know all its meanings. A modal is a word that gives a special meaning to a verb. Examples of modals are CAN, COULD and MAY. You can learn how to use these other modal verbs in some of my other audio blogs. Meaning 1: If … Read more

Words for Walking

stroll / saunter / mosey To walk in a relaxed, leisurely way She strolled along the beach at sunset. Note: “Stroll” can be both a noun and a verb. So you can also say “We took a stroll through the park” or “Let’s go for a stroll.” stride To walk with fast, long steps. “Stride” usually … Read more