Asking and Giving Directions in English

When you are in a new place, knowing how to ask for directions in English can be very helpful. This lesson will teach you simple phrases to ask for and give directions.

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2. Key Phrases for Asking Directions

  • Where is…?
    • Example: “Where is the nearest bank?”
  • How do I get to…?
    • Example: “How do I get to the railway station?”
  • Can you tell me the way to…?
    • Example: “Can you tell me the way to the hospital?”
  • Is there a… near here?
    • Example: “Is there a grocery store near here?”
  • Which way to…?
    • Example: “Which way to the library?”

3. Key Phrases for Giving Directions

  • Go straight…
    • Example: “Go straight for two blocks.”
  • Turn left/right…
    • Example: “Turn left at the traffic light.”
  • It’s on your left/right.
    • Example: “The museum is on your right.”
  • Next to…
    • Example: “The pharmacy is next to the post office.”
  • Across from…
    • Example: “The park is across from the school.”

4. Practice Sentences

Translate the following sentences into English and practice saying them:

  1. बैंक कहाँ है?
    English: “Where is the bank?”
  2. मुझे रेलवे स्टेशन कैसे पहुँचना है?
    English: “How do I get to the railway station?”
  3. क्या यहाँ पास में कोई रेस्टोरेंट है?
    English: “Is there a restaurant near here?”
  4. सीधे जाएं और चौक पर बाईं ओर मुड़ें।
    English: “Go straight and turn left at the square.”
  5. अस्पताल स्कूल के सामने है।
    English: “The hospital is across from the school.”

5. Dialog Practice

Scenario: You are lost in a new city and need to find the nearest bus stop.

  • You: Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?
  • Stranger: Sure, go straight for one block and turn right. The bus stop is next to the coffee shop.
  • You: Thank you very much!
  • Stranger: You’re welcome!

6. Speaking Exercise

Choose a landmark or location in your city and practice giving directions to it. For example:

  • “To get to the park, go straight for three blocks, turn right, and it’s on your left.”

7. Homework

Write directions from your home to a nearby place (e.g., a market, school, or park). Practice saying these directions out loud.

8. Recap

Today, you learned how to ask for and give directions in English. Practice these phrases to become more comfortable navigating new places.

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